Frequent Asked Questions

What kind of space do you specialize in decluttering?
Our professional organization company specializes in decluttering and organizing a wide range of spaces including homes, offices and educational settings.
What are the processes for decluttering my space?
Our process begins with an initial consultation (virtual, video or in person) to access your space and discuss your goals and priorities. We then develop a customized plan for organizing your space, which may involve sorting and categorizing items, identifying areas for storage and organization and implementing practical solutions for maximizing space and reducing clutter.
Do I need to be present during the decluttering process?
It is recommended that you be present during the decluttering process to provide input and guidance as needed. However, we understand that you may not always be available, and we can work around your schedule as necessary.
How long does this process take?
The length of the organization projects can vary depending on the size and complexity of the space, as well as the amount of clutter that needs to be addressed. We can provide an estimate of the time required during the initial consultation.
What should I do with the items I no longer need or want?
We can work with you to identify the best option for disposing unwanted items, which may include donation, recycling or disposal.
What if I need ongoing support to maintain my organized space?
We offer ongoing support services including regular maintenance visits and check-ins to help you keep on track with your organizational goals.
How much does your professional organization company charge?’
Our fees vary depending on the nature and scope of the project. We can provide a customized quote based on your specific needs during the initial consultation.